Well, it's another day gone and I'm feeling remarkably good today. Nothing like a nice hot shower and a full dose of Ibuprofen and Tylenol. The over the counter meds are really helping out a lot. I woke up this morning around 5:00am with the thought that someone was poking me in the side and back of the head with a fork or something. Sort of a pulsating sharp pain. But I dosed up on the Tylenol and Ibuprofen and now I'm feeling good. Incidentally, the prescribed antiviral medicine is "Valtrex". That's the same one from the commercials for genital herpes.
Luckily my wife isn't the suspicious type! Did I mention that they cost a fortune? $303.00 for a seven day treatment. Do the herpes folks have to pay that every month?
As you can see from the picture, no major changes today. The bump looks like it's starting to get a little texture on it, and there's a little patch of bumps smack in the middle of my forehead that look like they will soon be the ugly blisters I was hoping to avoid. That and a notable droop to my left eye lid. Droopy eyes are supposed to be sexy aren't they? Not so much if it's just one eye I guess.
I've been holding onto about a 10% chance that the Doctor was wrong and it was still just a bug bite. But with the new little marks showing up I'm pretty sure this will be an ugly little mess here in the next couple of days. My biggest concern now is when to take time off work. I don't want to waste sick leave, or expose any co-workers to a stinking virus. Combine that with the embarrassment factor of having a droopy eye and ugly little lesions on your face like some sort of meth addict. In case you didn't read the Bio, I'm a firefighter and I work a 24 hour shift.
I guess I'll just wait and see if I don't look and feel too terrible tomorrow for my scheduled work day.
See you tomorrow,